Monday, March 18, 2013

Goal setting

Through this journey, I have set goals for myself. Some have been very short term, some have been long term. Some I have shared publicly some have been told only to Jen. But one thing I have found out is that setting a goal when it comes to fitness makes the journey that much more special.

Some of the goals that I have set for myself have been to run a 5K (check); run a 10K (check); lose 100 pounds (check); and to just plain feel better (check, check, check).
I was recently at my CrossFit “box” in Medfield when my coach mentioned he was putting up a “goals” and “accomplishments” section of the board in the back of the gym. The idea was for members to write down goals they have (in life and fitness) and the accomplishments they have made. This got me thinking.

What goals did I want to accomplish? I decided to focus mainly on fitness/athletic goals. After figuring out that getting a roster spot with the Patriots would probably be an unattainable goal, I started to narrow my focus.

Since starting CrossFit with Spencer Hendel and Luis Alvarez (, I have started to realize things I am really good at (just about anything with heavy weights, specifically the deadlift and back squat) and not so good at some of the “muscle up” movements, specifically pull-ups.

Because of my inability, right now, to do a pull-up, Spencer has come up with scaling options for me (as he does with all other CrossFit members), which have included banded pull-ups, box pull-ups and jumping pull-ups. These have all helped me through many of the strenuous workouts both Spencer and Luis put the group through, but it doesn’t change the fact that I can’t do a straight pull-up. So goal #1 was now set.

With Spencer Hendel (left) and Luis Alvarez (right)
at Reebok CrossFit Medfield.
When I was thinking of another goal, my wife Jen started talking about doing a three-pack series of half-marathons in Rhode Island. Now she is the runner of the couple, make no bones about it. But she is the one who has gotten me to do multiple races – 5K, 10K and 5-miler. But the longest race I have done in my life was the 10K (6.2-miles), and the only reason to even attempt that was the finish line was at the 50-yard line of Gillette Stadium in Foxboro. So attempting to more than DOUBLE that has me equal parts scared shitless and intrigued.

So when I put that on the board at Medfield CrossFit that I also wanted to run a half marathon, Spencer looked at me, smiled, and said “Let’s do it.” One thing about Spencer is he loves to incorporate running into as many workouts as possible. Basically, if it is 40+ outside, I can expect some sort of run to be part of the day’s activities. The not-so-fun part (besides, you know, running) is that a majority of the distance is UPHILL because of where the gym is situated.

This week alone, we did one workout with three rounds of 400-meter runs (on top of whatever else was in the workout) and another that had five rounds of 400-meter runs (again, with other activities included).

But the support from fellow CrossFitters has been tremendous, and one of the reasons I have really taken to these workouts is that community feel. On Friday, one member, Amanda, who I have had her children in camps and classes since I started working in Medfield, offered to be my pace during the half marathon I choose. Others have offered encouraging words and ask me about my goals, and Spencer has looked into getting groups together to compete in some races.

In order to attain that larger goal of competing in and finishing a half marathon, I have to work on a smaller goal, which is to shed about 25 pounds to get to a weight that is comfortable to run 13.1 miles in. Since I started a CrossFit diet, I am down about 8 pounds in less than 2 weeks, so I am on my way.

On Saturday, during an outdoor adventure race training class with Robert Foster (, I ran my first sustainable distances since last summer. And, oddly enough, it felt good. It felt as though those brutal 400-meter runs uphill were actually meaning something.

With some races and runs coming up, including the Bold R Dash in Westerly, the Harpoon 5-Miler in Boston and the Tough Mudder in NH, it will soon be time to narrow that focus again and pick a 13.1-mile race in which to attempt to conquer. I am looking forward to the journey towards accomplishing that major goal.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Culmination of Hard Work

It’s been a while since I last wrote in my blog, as I was waiting for something to really write about. I didn’t want to give drab commentary of all the workouts I’ve been doing, although it might become a more regular addition to the blog.

But then something happened two weeks ago, which was more a culmination of hard work and long days/nights at the gym. As my body has gone through this transformation of losing weight, gaining muscle and just plain feeling awesome, a side effect of that was felt recently.

As Jen and I were getting ready for our trip to New Orleans for her birthday, we did some shopping the day before we left. I was looking for a pair or two of shorts to wear in the warm weather. As we shopped, I didn’t really find anything I liked. Until we went to Old Navy.

Jen and I at her Fabulous Birthday Party, January 2013.
I have never been a big shopper at Old Navy, more because, when I was bigger, there was nothing for me to even try on. It was a waste of my time. So, with that still in the back of my mind, I went with Jen to check it out. Much to my surprise, I found some shorts and jeans worth trying on. But when I took the first trip to the changing room, and as I started trying on the Old Navy shorts and jeans, there was one problem.


The size I thought I would need, based on what I had been wearing, was too big. The smile on my face, teamed with the smile on Jen’s face, could’ve light up Fenway Park. Jen happily went back to the shorts and jeans section to get smaller sizes for me to try on.

After dropping a couple hundred on some jeans and shorts to wear in NOLA, I was left thinking one thing: the damn jeans I had worn there were WAY TOO BIG for me now. And they were officially added to the donation pile, along with about 5 other pairs of jeans, that are just too big for me to wear any more.

That led into the second big thing to happen to me, no pun intended. Some of you may remember the blog post that started this journey, about how big I saw myself in DC on a summer trip there with Jen and some friends. I was sweating, couldn’t keep up with the walking, etc. One other thing that happened on that trip was on the plane from Providence to Baltimore via Southwest: I needed a seat belt extender.

There is no worse feeling as you are boarding a plane and getting into your seat then having the stewardess walk up with the seat belt extender. It really was embarrassing.

That embarrassment stayed with me as Jen and I boarded the plane last week to go to New Orleans. I sat in my seat, gleefully grabbed the seat belt and, *CLICK*, fastened the seat belt. Best part? No extender needed. Second best part? Tightening said seat belt because it was too loose.

Deadlifting 355 pounds at Reebok CrossFit Medfield, January 2013.
Two happy moments I wanted to share in this blog. The journey has been amazing, and the road continues for me. I have been training with Robert Foster at RBF Fitness in Johnston since October, going 2-3 nights per week with Jen. Additionally, I have started doing CrossFit classes with Spencer Hendel and Luis Alvarez at Reebok CrossFit in Medfield on my lunch break from the Recreation Department. Both have been amazing, and the communities I am now a proud member of at both places is awesome. I don’t dread any of these workouts ever, I am happy and excited to go to each one, and look forward to the challenge each coach has for me on any given day.

My hope is to blog about these experiences more often. Thanks for reading as always!